Solano WDB Fairfield Open House & Ribbon Cutting We would like to invite job seekers, businesses, our partners, and the community to attend our Open House & Ribbon Cutting event for our NEW Fairfield offices! After over 25 years in our previous location we are VERY excited to open our doors to public and display our new Fairfield office space, SBDC center , and our NEW One-Stop Career Center. The event will kick-off with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony co-hosted by the Fairfield-Suisun Chamber of Commerce , followed up with a short welcoming program, light refreshments, some networking, and guided tours of the new offices space and career center. Please help spread the word and come out and help us celebrate on August 29th from 4-6pm! - Thanks, WDB Team ¡Nos gustaría invitar a los solicitantes de empleo, las empresas, nuestros socios y la comunidad a asistir a nuestro evento Open House & Ribbon Cutting para nuestras NUEVAS oficinas de Fairfield! Después de más de 25 años ...
Tu fuente en español para recursos, historias y noticias sobre negocios en el Condado de Solano. Destacamos a pequeñas empresas diversas, especialmente negocios hispanos, y compartimos herramientas que ayudan a crecer y fortalecer la comunidad empresarial local. Lee y conecta con tu comunidad empresarial en Solano.