Take the new year as an opportunity to revisit and refresh these ten digital marketing to-dos for your small business in Northern California. A little can go a long way! Each new year represents an opportunity to start fresh and perhaps approach your small business a bit differently based upon what you learned the year prior. While you can’t do everything, and you should avoid the temptation to do so at the risk of spreading yourself too thin, check the following ten to-dos that will boost your small business in 2019 and beyond.
Tu fuente en español para recursos, historias y noticias sobre negocios en el Condado de Solano. Destacamos a pequeñas empresas diversas, especialmente negocios hispanos, y compartimos herramientas que ayudan a crecer y fortalecer la comunidad empresarial local. Lee y conecta con tu comunidad empresarial en Solano.